Small daily gestures

It is up to each and every one of us to make the very small, seemingly negligible gestures on which the preservation of our environment depends.

It is important to run the water from the tap only for as long as necessary: here more than anywhere else it is a fundamental and precious commodity, which should never be wasted.

It is important to separate waste to facilitate its disposal or recycling.

It is important to avoid wasting electricity, to limit the use of plastic and objects that are only used once and then thrown away.

This is as true here as it is elsewhere. But it is also true that after a while you are here, it comes naturally. And you do it with pleasure.


We choose to be responsible

Green purchasing, waste recycling, plastic reduction, environmental education initiatives and the promotion of eco-restaurants are just a few of the environmental choices that the administration and citizens support. A great deal of attention is paid to initiatives that strengthen the Tabarchina (Carloforte) identity and enhance local food and wine products.

Thanks to all this, in 2021 the Girotonno event was awarded the ISO 20121 Certification for the sustainable management of the event.