Trekking San Pietro App

An agile application, designed to guide nature lovers in the simplest way to the beaches and rocky inlets of the island; a useful tool for walkers to discover the most evocative itineraries and the most interesting geological sites in the territory of Carloforte.

It provides detailed information on the island’s beaches and cliffs, and on the beach services available. It provides you with up-to-date weather forecasts, useful for planning your day, and allows you to share your chosen beach using the applications on your smartphone.

Free to download from AppstoreGooglePlay



Choose your route according to difficulty and duration. Reach the starting point of the trek and start walking. Thanks to the device’s GPS, the App does not need data or a mobile signal to locate your position on the map and guide you along your chosen route: you can locate your position on the hiking map at any time, wherever you are, even in places with no network coverage.


Beaches and cliffs

L’app mostra l’elenco delle località balneari dell’isola e ti consiglia la più adatta al momento, in base alle condizioni meteo e al vento. Ti guida quindi lungo il percorso più breve per raggiungerla.



Thanks to Trekking San Pietro app, you can easily locate and reach the most interesting geosites in the area. The presence of a remarkable place from a geological point of view will also be indicated by the app during the chosen trekking route, as soon as it is close enough to your position.